Read This Article For The Best Gold Information The price of gold change rapidly.Continue below for excellent advice on how you can get in on this article to learn the basics of the gold market. Do not dabble in the gold market until you know how pricing on precious metals. The values of precious metals fluctuate daily, so it's best to know the price of the day. You must to pay a higher percentage for fractional pieces like half ounces and quarter ounces over the melt prices. Research several gold buyers and shop around for your gold. Have your gold jewelry if you do not know how much it is worth. This requires a bit of an investment, however it is crucial if you want to know the true value of your item. If you still decide to sell your gold, do be aware that you won't receive the price the piece has been appraised at. If you send off gold by mail, be sure that you find out how much the return postage will cost if the price offered you is too low. Be sure that you know exactly ...